Syntax Analysis

The parser is a hand-coded recursive descent parser. It includes a sophisticated error recovery system, which among other things takes indentation into account when attempting to correct scope errors. In our experience, the recovery is superior to that of other compilers, and the parser is remarkably stable in the presence of badly mangled programs. All GNU compilers heretofore had used LALR(1) parsers generated with Bison (The GNU equivalent of YACC). The choice of a handwritten parser at this date may seem surprising, but is amply justified by the following:

The parser follows carefully the grammar given in the Ada9X reference manual. ([#rm-9x##1###]). This has clear pedagogical advantages, but precludes the use of a table-driven parser, given that the grammar as given is not LALR(k).

<#2747#>Error messages.<#2747#>
The most important reason is the quality of the error reporting. Even in case of serious structural errors, such as an interchange of ``<#453#>;<#453#>'' and ``<#454#>is<#454#>'' between specification and body of a subprogram, GNAT generates a precise and intelligible message. Bottom-up parsers have serious difficulties with such errors.

Even though the overall performance of the system is bounded by the speed of the code generator, it does not hurt that the parser of GNAT is faster than any table-driven one.